Mar 29, 2024
When a property fails, and the borrower stops making payments…that’s a problem for the lender and the borrower. What you may not know- is that when you stop making mortgage payments- this will cause the lender to accelerate your interest cost. Yikes!! In your loan documents there is specific language that aids the...
Mar 17, 2024
It seems like every other investment sales flyer we see today…offers the opportunity to buy land. Land to BUILD an apartment building. Many investors are now focused on construction. How do you finance? Should you consider a 35-40% down conventional Bank loan that is full recourse? Or should you consider a...
Mar 15, 2024
So…You want to buy an apartment building? Who is your biggest financial partner in the transaction: it is your lender! Get to know your lender and what they can offer you. Know what the lender expects today and their “hot” buttons for approval. It’s completely different than 24 months ago. We will speak with the...
Mar 1, 2024
Imagine this. You are in BEST and FINAL and about to be awarded a huge apartment building. It’s you and two other buying groups. You made the cut and now the seller must make the right decision. Who to choose? Are you the right buyer? Can you close? The seller has too much on the line to make the wrong pick. They want...