Feb 26, 2018
Both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac need someone or a few folks, within the investment group, to become the fiduciary on behalf of the partnership. They typically want a natural person to sign a “guaranty” between the lender and the partnership for a non-recourse loan. Michael explains some of the benefits and concerns...
Feb 23, 2018
David Kahn is an economic analyst for CoStar Group. CoStar Group
is the leading provider of commercial real estate information,
analytics and online marketplaces such as apartments.com &
loopnet.com. David discusses national and local economic trends for
apartment owners, developers, and passive investors.
In this...
Feb 19, 2018
Michael and Jonathan Ferrell discuss the economic assumptions that investors must make when purchasing a property.
Feb 16, 2018
Robert Helms has a passion for real estate. He is the co-host of the very popular Real Estate Guys podcast and has been educating investors for over twenty years. Investing is a team sport. To get bigger faster, you need to be able to successfully syndicate real estate transactions. Robert shares some his most...
Feb 12, 2018
Interest rates have been steadily rising over the last 6 months. Michael discusses the impact of what rising interest will have on underwriting apartment transactions.