Jun 24, 2016
R2R Mentor Investing in multifamily properties is a team sport. A good team needs a good coach. In multifamily ownership it all starts with a good mentor. A mentor is an educator. Brad Sumrok talks about building your business with “transfer of creditability by bringing in the right team members.” Building your...
Jun 17, 2016
Chris Faulkner and Trent Wood have a ‘secret sauce’ when they buy Class A properties. Listen to how they created a dynamic corporate culture to benefit their investors, employees and tenants. They initially laid out a vision and then executed the plan to purchase and manage over 5400 units within 7 years. Now, they...
Jun 9, 2016
John Darrow is a specialist in the Freddie Mac Small Balance loan program. Loan amounts between $1,000,000- $5,000,000. Listen to him explain the differences between Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and regional Bank loan programs. Great information!
Jun 2, 2016
Bryan Amos is a ‘physical needs’ engineer. He helps you recognize what potential mechanical, electrical, plumbing problems you will be faced with before you buy a new apartment building. His assessment helps investors understand the physical deficiencies of their new asset during due diligence. What’s working;...